I am pretty excited for what comes next.

Fun story! Halfway through drawing this page I got a fancy new tablet! I installed all the stuff for it but then it turned out I needed a DisplayPort Adapter because I have an iMac so there wasn’t any place to plug in the cord that allows the tablet to actually work as a second monitor.

So I ordered that and went back to by old tablet (Intuos2, you are an old tablet), but now all the settings were set for the new tablet, so everything was screwed up, but I didn’t want to bother uninstalling the new stuff and reinstalling the old stuff so I just drew with a wonky tablet for a few days until the adapter arrived. It made the going a lot tougher, but I’m a comic artist so I managed to power through.

The KICKSTARTER is still going strong, all thanks to you! We’re getting pretty close to the end now and I’m peering at that extra comic stretch goal pretty hard.

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